Advancing trustworthy electronics in Germany and Europe

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The Velektronik research platform - consisting of the Fraunhofer Institute, the Leibniz Association and the edacentrum - and the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE) have set up a new VDE Expert Group on Trustworthy Electronics.

The new expert group MN 5.8 is part of the VDE ITG Micro- and Nanoelectronics Division and expands the range of topics covered by the expert committee MN 5 Quality and Reliability of Integrated Circuits. Research results will be put into practice, and industry standards are to be co-designed.

The focus is on exchanging information on new research findings; defining and exchanging best practice between universities, research institutes, industry, testing laboratories and distributors; monitoring new legal regulations for safe production (NIS2) and for safe products (CRA); pursuing international, relevant standardization for trustworthy electronics; and deriving new research projects.

The spokespersons for the specialist group are Prof Dr Georg Sigl, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC, and Dr Detlef Houdeau, Senior Director Business Development, Infineon Technologies AG.

The two electronics experts invite industry, research and authorities to participate in the new specialist group and help shape the topic of trustworthy electronics in Germany and Europe. Prof Dr Georg Sigl said: "The Cyber Resilience Act is a good example of why participation in the newly founded expert group can be of great added value. The EU regulation not only defines the guidelines for the future implementation of cyber security, but also for trustworthy electronics. We want to inform the members of the working group about requirements and solutions for the implementation of the CRA at an early stage and define joint research projects for missing solutions." Dr Detlef Houdeau said: "Cooperation between industry, research and authorities is crucial to advancing trustworthy electronics in Germany and Europe. With the new VDE expert group, we now have a central platform to pool our expertise, initiate new research projects and help shape security standards."

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